We are backing the recently launched national campaign #RaiseTheBar, which highlights that there are a significant number of retail, leisure and hospitality businesses currently unable to access the packages because their rateable value is over the £51,000 threshold set by the Government. The #RaiseTheBar campaign is asking the Government to expand the rateable value threshold for all retail, hospitality and leisure businesses from £51,000 to any business with a rateable value up to and including £150,000, allowing businesses the opportunity to access the £25,000 grant in order to survive.
The campaign is being backed by The BIDs Foundation; the GLA’s Night Tzar Amy Lamé, UK Hospitality, The Music Venue Trust and The British Beer and Pub Association.
We are committed to ensuring the Government hears the message that this criteria excludes businesses that are vital to local economies, including ours in Kingston. We also recognise there are other business sectors that would benefit from urgent grant support, including professional and health services, for example, dentist practices. As the lockdown continues for a further three weeks, we are continuing to represent these issues and access expert information to support our businesses.

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