24 hours after the Prime Minster announced the government’s ‘Three Step Conditional Plan to re-open society’, further announcements have been made and updated guidance has been released, including government guidelines on working in:
- Offices and contact centres
- Restaurants offering takeaway and delivery
- Shops and branches
Please see below for summary of the news announced today.
Working Safely During Coronavirus: Government Guidelines released today
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have this evening published new guidelines for businesses to get employees back to work safely. Developed in consultation with over 250 businesses, industry bodies and unions it outlines practical guidelines set out in 5 key points to make workplaces safe and provide people with the confidence they need to return to work.
The guidelines published in full can be found here on the government website.
As we mentioned last week, we are working with Kingston Council to arrange how we can co-ordinate and communicate social distancing expectations in Kingston town centre’s streets and spaces as businesses start to re-open. We will update you on this work in the coming days.
Safe and Sustainable Travel for Londoners – TfL’s update
In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday, Transport for London today launched an initial plan to help Londoners to travel safely and sustainably. Highlighting the national requirement to maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible means that TfL will only be able to carry around 13-15 per cent of the normal number of passengers on the Tube and bus networks even when 100 per cent of services are operating once again over time. TfL are working closely with the national rail networks to gradually build up service levels. On 18 May, service levels across the bus network will increase to 85% of usual service levels (currently 80%) and on the underground and London Overground service levels will increase to 70% (currently 60%).
TfL’s press release, here, is lengthy but contains some helpful information and advice.
Update on Job Retention Scheme expected tomorrow
In response to parliamentary question about the extension of the furlough scheme, the Chancellor is due to make an announcement in tomorrow’s press conference. As the news breaks will be sharing updates.

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