Kingston Businesses are invited to celebrate Kingston Council becoming a London Living Wage employer. Wednesday 13 November 12-1pm Council Chamber, Guildhall, KT1 1EU Guest Speakers include: Cllr Alison Holt, Kingston Council's Portfolio Holder for Finance and Contracts Ian Thomas, Kingston Council's Chief Executive Sebastian Bachelier, Living Wage Foundation's Regional Accreditation... read more →
You may have heard the rumours that your KIK card will expire at the end of this year. Do not panic though! We have developed an app that will replace the card and make snapping up those discounts a lot easier. Our shiny new app will be launching in the... read more →
Kingston Chamber of Commerce would like to hear about your business-related concerns and issues that affect your trading environment caused by Brexit. The Chamber is an independent, apolitical, business support membership organisation. This survey is anonymous and your responses will be treated with the strictest confidence. Your responses will be... read more →
Companies across Kingston are celebrating making the shortlist of the 2019 Kingston Business Excellence Awards in association with Willmott Dixon. A record number of entries – many from businesses new to the awards – were received for this sixth annual programme. The shortlist of more than 90 will now progress... read more →
92% of businesses and organisations in Kingston upon Thames have this month voted in favour of renewing Kingston First Business Improvement District, with 90% voting in favour by rateable value. Over 900 businesses and organisations in the local area were balloted throughout June, welcoming a highly engaged response rate of... read more →
Kingston First... read more →
An exciting new award to recognise the role of local traders is attracting huge interest from Kingston’s vital independent retailing community. Kingston Business Excellence Awards in association with Willmott Dixon have introduced the new Love Your Local Retailer category for 2019, along with awards for the Best Financial & Professional... read more →
TV presenter Michael Underwood has been announced as the compere for the glittering highlight event of Kingston’s business year. The Gala Dinner awards ceremony of the 2019 Kingston Business Excellence Awards in association with Willmott Dixon will be held at Ravens Ait on Thursday, 10th October. Entries are currently... read more →
Streets of History exhibition returns to Kingston upon Thames to celebrate the life and works of Eadweard Muybridge This spring, visitors to Kingston Town Centre will discover an exhibition on the life and works of Eadweard Muybridge, one of the most influential photographers and inventors of all time, born and... read more →
What is Time to Change Kingston? Time to Change is a growing social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems. Statistically, 1 in 4 of us will fight a mental health problem in any given year. It's hard enough to experience mental health... read more →